Join the Inside Track

Everything you need to skyrocket your jazz guitar playing - all in one place!

Watch this brief video and then read on....
![]() I'm Chris Standring and I've been playing guitar a long time now. For over
forty years, and professionally for around thirty. I've seen a lot of changes
happen in the world during that time, certainly the way we learn to play
music is drastically different now. Back when I began to play there was
no world wide web, we learned from books, guitar teachers, or by sitting
down on our own and figuring things out. It was a simpler time, and some
would say better in terms of learning as there were fewer distractions.
These days, because of technology, there are a million ways to keep occupied.
When I was a kid, I either sat in my bedroom practicing or I would be outside
on the farm hanging out with my brothers. But the smart committed student embraces the new technology. It has allowed us to learn through video, and the luxury of being able to replay that video time and again. I have been embracing internet learning for a good while now with my jazz guitar programs. Now I have something brand new for you, and something I just know you will love. It's an elite private member's club called The Inside Track. I say 'elite' because it's geared for those who seriously want to commit to learning their instrument. You get out what you put in, and I'm looking for people just like you, studious players who want to see real results. The Inside Track is a place where you can practice 24/7 - everything is in one place. And if there is something you don't see that you would like to, and you think it would be beneficial to others, just ask. What's the big deal? The Inside Track is a truly unique place. I'm always asking myself, "If I had to go back all those years ago and learn all over again, what would I want to help get me there quicker?" I have kept all these questions in mind while I compiled my best selling guitar programs such as "Play What You Hear", and my Jazz Guitar Video Masterclass series. I focused on how to get the notes under your fingers in the most concise and easily understandable way. I am proud of those instructional programs, I don't think I could personally have imparted that knowledge to you better. But now there is the question of practice tools. So far I have focused on imparting musical knowledge, ideas, theory and so on. What about a place where we can go to practice all the ideas I talk about? Practice ideas that anyone else talks about for that matter. And so I came up with The Inside Track. A place where you can practice with super high quality play along tracks, new lessons, performances and transcriptions and a TV show showcasing the finest musicians in the world. All this, exclusive to The Inside Track. Let's dig a a bit deeper shall we? What You Get
I have a fully fledged state of the art recording studio in my home. I produce
all my albums here, so I have a good idea as to what sounds sonically high
quality. These play along tracks sound good! Really good.
A problem I have always had with play along tracks in the past is that the
rhythm sections are often way too busy, too out of control. I can only imagine
this is the case because while the players were in the studio recording,
they were not supporting a soloist, so often they overplayed. I have kept
this in mind and asked "What would I like to hear if I was taking a
solo?" Supportive comping is the key. I have included play along tracks to many well known jazz standards as well as vamps and sequences that everyone needs to practice to if they want to improvise well on chord changes. I have also included some of my own album tracks without my guitar, and happy to upload many more. Click on a link and a pdf chart comes up that you can open in a new browser window or simply download and print. And the good news? If there is a song you would like a backing track for that you don't see, just ask. The Inside Track will grow quickly and become a community driven magical place. I originally started making these play along tracks because I wanted something inspiring to practice to myself. Needless to say I personally use these tracks every day in my own practice time. Example play along track 1
Example play along track 2
Example play along track 3
Unlike my existing guitar programs, where I have presented information that
I feel is necessary, The Inside Track is more personal, where I present
information that you would like to see. Some lessons will be from
guest artists, most from me. Some are in video form, some are in traditional
print, along with audio examples, and downloadable high rez pdf. Example
lesson (Link opens in a new window) Here is an example video lesson. In this video I talk about my latest guitar instructional program "Play What You Hear Volume Two", which is also part of the Inside Track membership.
I have always felt that the most inspiring way to pick up an instrument
and practice is by hearing a great player play. Personally, I am constantly
looking for that kind of inspiration. So I decided I should make video performances
part of The Inside Track. I have included many performances of me playing
jazz standards, as well as alternate versions of my own compositions, and
some of these are transcribed and available for you to download. Example
performance (Link opens in a new window)
The Inside Track with Chris Standring is our membership TV show where we spotlight a special guest.
Each guest records two to four songs in the studio while being videotaped live,
followed by an in depth interview. Each guest artist brings a rhythm section
of their choice and you can expect to see world renowned artists performing
live on your Inside Track TV screen. Watch season
1 episode 7 here. (All the archives with plenty of other episodes to
watch are in the ITTV lounge in the membership area).
I have five highly acclaimed guitar instructional programs that are all
accessible from the Inside Track membership site. * Play What You Hear Vol 1 (for intermediates) From intermediate to advanced level, this program teaches you how to "play what you hear". You will learn the jazz vocabulary and understand how to improvise using this vocab over many different harmonies. You will learn to hear major, melodic minor and blues scales and learn harmony and how to see it all very simply on the fretboard. Contains over 300 audio examples and tons of play along tracks. * Play What You Hear Vol 2 (for intermediates and advanced) From intermediate to advanced level, PWYH volume two takes you into the stratosphere with new concepts and ideas all presented in high resolution. Section one focuses on single string improv. and section two focuses on chord melody and harmonic superimposition. Part three features six jazz guitar solos performed by Chris Standring. Every note transcribed in traditional notation and TAB. Every example is shown with video and audio. * Jazz Guitar Video Masterclass Volume 1 (for intermediates) From intermediate to advanced, this cutting edge video software program presents Chris Standring in the first of two jazz guitar masterclass series. In this eleven lesson program Chris discusses building vocabulary, connecting new phrases to existing vocab, rhythm & comping including walking basslines and comping at the same time, and six live performances by Chris, all transcribed with notation and TAB. * Jazz Guitar Video Masterclass Volume 2 (for intermediates) Focused 100% on chord melody, this groundbreaking program walks you through the essential steps of improvising a melody whilst playing chords at the same time. Utilizing a step by step regimen and tons of video examples, this program is the fastest possible way to get to playing chord melody at the highest level in the shortest amount of time. With play along tracks and downloadable pdf. * Guitar Made Simple (fundamentals & basics for beginners) A step by step in depth guitar learning system for beginner guitar players. This program is also a great reference tool for any intermediate player wishing to go back and cover any fundamentals. The program will show you how to learn a ton of chords, without having to memorize six million shapes. You will learn how to read music, (and how to sight read) and play improvised solos at a basic level. This program is recommended to prepare the student for the above three intermediate jazz programs.
What private
member's site would be complete without a place where members can interact?
Here you can meet other Inside Trackers and discuss music, life and art.
I'll be right there too!
For the
price of just two bucks a week, you can have a wealth of knowledge at
your fingertips. Sign up today! I guarantee it will be the best musical
decision you ever made!